The Liverpool Telescope. ©2017 Daniel López/IAC
The PATT and JMU Time Allocation Committees (TACs) have issued Calls For Proposals to observe with the LT in Semester 2023B, which runs from 1st July 2023 to 29th February 2024 inclusive.
As always, you may also apply for Reactive Time and Priority Z Time outside of these semester-based applications, at any time throughout the year.
PATT Applications
Full PATT 2023B Call for Proposals [PDF]
Deadline for submissions:
- 23:59 GMT on Friday 31st March 2023
Total allocation time available, after deductions for Reactive Time and pre-allocations:
- 244 hours split roughly 50-50 between priority A and B
- 100 hours priority C (backup)
Applications are particularly encouraged for brighter sky conditions, which are typically less subscribed.
PATT accepts proposals from Principal Investigators (PIs) based in the UK. Non-UK PIs who are not eligible for CAT, OPTICON or CCI time may also apply through PATT.
JMU Applications
Full 2023B JMU Call for Proposals [PDF]
Deadline for submissions:
- 23:59 GMT on Friday 31st March 2023
Total allocation time available, after deductions for Reactive Time and pre-allocations:
- 254 hours split roughly 50-50 between priority A and B
- 100 hours priority C (backup)
Applications are particularly encouraged for brighter sky conditions, which are typically less subscribed.
The internal JMU TAG accepts proposals from Principal Investigators (PIs) from Liverpool John Moores University's Astrophysics Research Institute.