The Comité Cientifico Internacional (CCI) or International Scientific Committee of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) has issued a Call for Proposals for the period 2020–2021. The deadline for submission of proposals is midnight, 29th February 2020.
The CCI invites applications for International Time Programmes (ITPs) on telescopes at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM), which includes the Liverpool Telescope (LT), and the Observatorio del Teide (OT).
The ITP offers up to 5% of observing time, evenly spread throughout the year and lunar cycle. A proposal can request up to 15 nights/year of observing time and can cover a period of up to two consecutive years (4 semesters).
Click here for the full Call for Proposals document, and the application form can be requested from cci@iac.es.
The CCI also insist that the PI contacts telescope staff before writing their proposal to discuss which instruments will be available, and for an initial technical appraisal on the feasibility of their proposed observations. To that end, please contact our Phase 1 Support address or the LT Support Astronomer for LT technical enquiries.
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