The latest call for proposals for telescopes supported by the OPTICON Trans-National Access programme has just been released. The LT is one of the telescopes in this programme, and complete instructions on how to apply to OPTICON for time on the LT are given in the full text of the call, presented below:
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are pleased to announce that the call for observing time at telescopes supported by the OPTICON Trans-National Access programme is now open. See http://www.astro-opticon.org/h2020/tna/call/call-2019a.html for details. The call will close on 2 September at 23.59UT exactly.
Please review the web-page notes carefully. Note that there is a new latex template with fewer sections than the old version. Also note that we are discouraging ToO proposals for Gravitational Wave overides. There is a justification for this in the report from the previous TAC meeting which can be downloaded from a link here http://www.astro-opticon.org/h2020/tna/index.html. Please check your proposal is compliant with the nationality rules and that you have no national access via bi-lateral time swaps as this will disqualify your application before it is reviewed.
The semester is centred on Feb 2019 to July 2019, but there are small variations at some telescopes to accommodate their normal semesters and maximise scheduling flexibility. Note that technical support for the submission software is not provided out-of-hours and late applications will not be accepted, so please complete your application in plenty of time. In recent semesters we have received between 50-60 proposals and allocated about 15 projects per semester.
Good Luck
John Davies (john.davies@stfc.ac.uk)
OPTICON Project Scientist