The Liverpool Telescope © 2006 R. Smith
We seek expressions of interest from researchers at all career stages with an interest in time‐domain astronomy and/or active users of the Liverpool Telescope to join the LT User Group (LTUG).
The LTUG is an advisory committee which evaluates and comments upon the day‐to-day operations of the telescope, the performance of the observatory and its instruments. Key topics for discussion are the productivity of the telescope and maximising the relevance of the science being conducted, the effectiveness of the observatory’s interactions with its user base, and the quality of the user experience. Advice on telescope and instrument modifications and upgrades is also sought.
The LTUG comprises seven members: two drawn from the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) at Liverpool John Moores University, and five from the external user community. At least one of these external users should be from the Spanish/CAT community. Each member serves for a maximum of three years. The LTUG meets twice per year, typically via a telecon in Spring and a meeting in Liverpool in Autumn. Travel expenses are provided. You can download the LTUG charter here.
Service on the LTUG provides an opportunity to guide the future direction of this facility, and we would welcome EOIs from interested members of the community. EOIs consisting of a short, paragraph-long CV should be sent to the LTUG chair (Stephen Smartt: s.smartt@qub.ac.uk), and the LT Astronomer-in-charge (Chris Copperwheat: c.m.copperwheat@ljmu.ac.uk).