Credit: R. Smith, LT Group
The Liverpool Telescope Time Allocation Committee is now accepting proposals for JMU time for LT observations in Semester 2017A (1 January 2017 → 31 August 2017). You may also apply for Reactive Time at any time throughout the year.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 17:00 GMT on Monday 3rd October 2016.
The total available time for JMU users in 2017A will be 300 hours. Ten hours have already been allocated in previous rounds and nine hours set aside for Reactive Time proposals, leaving 281 hours available to be allocated. Time is allocated approximately in the ratio 1:1 between Priority A and B. In addition 90 hours will be available as Priority C (backup).
Full details of the Call for Proposals are available for download as a PDF file from here [ CallForProposals-JMU-17A.pdf ]. The file gives more information about the proposal process, reactive time applications, new and existing instruments, and the telescope's performance and rapid-response capabilities.