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Night Reports 2019

In the tables below, Observing, Weather and Technical refer to time spent observing, time lost to bad weather, and time lost because of technical problems. Note that Observing includes time spent on calibration observations and, occasionally, scheduled on-sky test observations; Technical generally does not include small increments of scheduled downtime (e.g., for planned commissioning or maintenance work taking a small fraction of a night). However it does include major engineering tasks that take the telescope offline for complete nights, for example mirror coating.

The Night Duty Officer estimates whether the night was photometric or non-photometric based on satellite imagery and SkyCam data obtained through the night. This is a qualitative assessment only and may not always be entirely accurate. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT, ON OCCASION, OBSERVATIONS REQUIRING PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS ARE ACQUIRED IN NON-PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS. Users should check the quality of their data carefully. Good, average and poor seeing refers to inferred zenith seeing of < 1.0 arcsec, 1.0-2.0 arcsec, and > 2.0 arcsec, respectively. Calima refers to a warm wind that occasionally blows over from the Sahara and brings a lot of fine dust forcing a shutdown to protect the optics.


Below we also provide links to Movies constructed from a sequence of optical images obtained with either SkyCam-A (covering the whole sky), SkyCam-T (∼20°) or SkyCam-Z (1 degree field). Images are obtained once per minute throughout the entire night. These movies can usually be used to establish, qualitatively at least, how clear or cloudy a given night was. On bright nights (i.e. when the moon is up), the smaller-field camera's T and Z are often more useful than the full-sky camera A. Additional movies and still images are available from the Skycam Archive. Plots of SkyCamT or SkyCamZ Zero Point data are also provided. Zero points here are defined with respect to the APASS r filter with no colour term. These indicate to first order periods of thin or thick cloud. A clear night usually results in a flat distribution of ZP values, while thick cloud causes a dip in the ZP level. 'A', 'T' and 'Z' in the SkyCam columns refer to the camera from which the data were acquired.

December 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
30 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
29 Dec8.90.02.0Non-photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. Delay in start up due to DeviceNet error. T A T -
28 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric. Seeing average/good. IO:O offline T A T -
27 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric. Seeing average. IO:O offline T A T -
26 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric, seeing was poor but slightly improved in the early morning hours. IO:O offline. T A T -
25 Dec6.84.10.0Non-photometric, closed for cloud at beginning and end of night. IO:O offline. T A T -
24 Dec5.95.00.0Photometric. Average Seeing. Cloud in 2nd half of night. IO:O offline T A T -
23 Dec7.93.00.0Photometric. Average Seeing. Cloud at end of night. IO:O offline T A T -
22 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric. Very poor seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
21 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric. IO:O offline. T A T -
20 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric. IO:O offline. T A T -
19 Dec9.40.01.5Some cloud, average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
18 Dec6.84.10.0Very cloudy with average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
17 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric with average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
16 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity and sub-zero temperatures T A T -
15 Dec0.010.90.0Bad weather throughout night. T A T -
14 Dec4.96.00.0Non-photometric with average seeing. IO:O shutter stuck, instrument disabled. T A T -
13 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric with seeing good - average. IO:O shutter stuck, streaks in data. T A T -
12 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric with average seeing at start of night but degrading to poor. T A T -
11 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric with seeing going from average to bad during night. T A T -
10 Dec1.59.40.0Photometric with average seeing. T A T -
9 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric with bad-average seeing. T A T -
8 Dec2.08.90.0Opened at towards end of night, poor seeing. T A T -
7 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity - -
6 Dec0.010.80.0High humidity - -
5 Dec0.010.80.0High humidity - -
4 Dec0.010.80.0High humidity - -
3 Dec10.00.80.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
2 Dec3.77.10.0Very poor night. High humidty. 2-3" seeing T A T -
1 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric, good seeing. High level clouds in early morning hours. T A T -

November 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Nov10.80.00.0Non-photometric in the first few hours of the night, turned Photometric in the latter half. Good seeing. T A T -
29 Nov10.70.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
28 Nov10.20.00.5Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
27 Nov10.70.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
26 Nov10.00.00.7Photometric in the first half of the night. Good seeing. T A T -
25 Nov8.72.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
24 Nov7.82.90.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Thick cloud. T A T -
23 Nov10.70.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
22 Nov10.70.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
21 Nov7.72.90.0Non-photometric, average seeing. High humidity. T A T -
20 Nov6.73.80.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. High humidity first half of the night. T A T -
19 Nov0.00.010.6Enclosure PLC UPS fault. - - - -
18 Nov0.00.010.6Enclosure PLC UPS fault. - - - -
17 Nov8.80.51.3Photometric, average seeing. Cassegrain rotator and autoguider faults, high humidity in evening. T A T -
16 Nov9.90.70.0Non-photometric, average seeing. High humidity in evening. T A T -
15 Nov0.010.60.0Cloud and rain all night. T A T -
14 Nov0.010.60.0Cloud and rain all night. T A T -
13 Nov0.010.60.0Cloudy all night; no observing. T A T -
12 Nov5.64.90.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing.Thick cloud in second half of night. T A T -
11 Nov10.00.00.5Photometric, average seeing. Cassegrain axis rotator fault. T A T -
10 Nov9.51.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing poor. Initially high humidity T A T -
9 Nov8.42.10.0Non-photometric. Seeing poor. High humidity T A T -
8 Nov10.50.00.0Non-photometric becoming photometric. Seeing average. T A T -
7 Nov3.56.90.0Non-photometric. Seeing mostly poor. High humidity. T A T -
6 Nov5.45.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing poor to average. High humidity T A T -
5 Nov4.95.50.0Non-photometric. Seeing average to poor. High humidity T A T -
4 Nov5.05.40.0Non-photometric. Seeing average to poor. High humidity T A T -
3 Nov10.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. T A T -
2 Nov6.34.00.0Non-photometric, variable seeing. Closed for humidity. T A T -
1 Nov9.90.40.0Non-photometric, variable seeing. High winds. T A T -

October 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Oct4.26.00.0Non-photometric, poor seeing. High wind speed. T A T -
30 Oct9.70.50.0Photometric, avagerage to poor seeing. High wind speeds towards end of night. T A T -
29 Oct10.20.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
28 Oct10.20.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
27 Oct5.54.70.0High Humidity. Non-photometric, average to poor seeing. T A T -
26 Oct0.010.20.0Closed for full night due to high humidity T A T -
25 Oct0.89.30.0Cloudy T A T -
24 Oct7.13.00.0Non-photometric, poor seeing. High wind speeds forced close towards end of night. T A T -
23 Oct10.10.00.0Photometric. Average seeing, occasional thin high cloud. T A T -
22 Oct9.11.00.0Non-photmetric. Average seeing, high cloud in 1st half of night. T A T -
21 Oct10.10.00.0Non-photometric. Average to poor seeing. Erroneous light in telescope well may have increased background in some images. T A T -
20 Oct0.010.00.0Closed for high humidity. T A T -
19 Oct9.01.00.0Photometric, good seeing until early morning. T A T -
18 Oct10.00.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
17 Oct9.90.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
16 Oct9.90.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
15 Oct9.90.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
14 Oct9.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
13 Oct0.00.09.8Telescope offline due to oil fault. T A T -
12 Oct0.00.09.8Telescope offline due to oil fault. T A T -
11 Oct9.80.00.0Photometric with good-average seeing. T A T -
10 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
9 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
8 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
7 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with mostly good seeing. T A T -
6 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T A T -
5 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T A T -
4 Oct9.60.00.0Non-photometric with good seeing. T A T -
3 Oct9.60.00.0Non-photometric with average/good seeing. T A T -
2 Oct9.60.00.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. T A T -
1 Oct9.50.00.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. T A T -

September 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Sep6.50.03.0Recommissioning. AGF mechanism error. Non-photometric. Very hazy. Excellent seeing. - A - -
29 Sep0.00.09.5Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
28 Sep0.00.09.4Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
27 Sep0.00.09.4Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
26 Sep0.00.09.4Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
25 Sep0.00.09.3Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
24 Sep0.00.09.3Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
23 Sep0.00.09.3Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
22 Sep0.00.09.2Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
21 Sep0.00.09.2Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
20 Sep0.00.09.2Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
19 Sep0.00.00.0Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
18 Sep0.00.00.0Telescope offline. Mirror recoating. - - - -
17 Sep9.10.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
16 Sep8.20.90.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Cloud at start of night. T A T -
15 Sep9.00.00.0Non-photometric, good-poor seeing. T A T -
14 Sep9.00.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
13 Sep9.00.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
12 Sep8.40.00.5Non-photometric, good/average seeing. AMN node reboot in early hours of the morning. T A T -
11 Sep8.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
10 Sep8.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. IO:I unavailable. Instrument commissioning until 00.15UT. T A T -
9 Sep8.80.00.0Photometric with good seeing. IO:I unavailable. Instrument commissioning until 00 UT. T A T -
8 Sep8.80.00.0Non-photometric with poor seeing. IO:I unavailable. Instrument commissioning until 23.45 UT. T A T -
7 Sep6.80.02.0Non-photometric with average-good seeing. Instrument commissioning until 22.20 UT. 2 hours lost to thick cloud. IO:O shutter problem fixed. IO:I offline. T A T -
6 Sep8.70.00.0Photometric with average seeing. IO:I and IO:O unavailable. T A T -
5 Sep6.52.20.0Non-photometric, average seeing. High Humidity. IO:I unavailable. Some IO:O shutter failures. T A T -
4 Sep8.40.00.3Non-photometric, good/average seeing. IO:I unavailable. Some IO:O shutter failures. Frodospec problems. Science fold mirror/AMN failure. T A T -
3 Sep8.60.00.0Photometric, good average seeing. Some IO:O shutter failures. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
2 Sep8.60.00.0Photoemtric, average seeing. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
1 Sep7.60.01.0Photometric. Good seeing. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -

August 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Aug5.50.03.0Photometric. Good/Average seeing. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
30 Aug5.50.03.0Photometric. Good seeing. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
29 Aug7.50.01.0Photometric. Good seeing. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
28 Aug6.40.02.0Photometric. Average seeing. IO:I unavailable. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
27 Aug6.40.02.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. IO:I unavailable. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
26 Aug3.00.94.5Non-photometric, seeing good/average. High dust. IO:I unavailable. Extensive IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
25 Aug5.40.02.9Non-photometric, seeing good. Power outage. IO:I unavailable. Some IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
24 Aug0.08.30.0No observations. High dust count. Autoguider and Frodo Blue overheating. IO:I unavailable. Some IO:O shutter errors. T A T -
23 Aug5.82.00.5Non-photometric, seeing good. High dust count. Several AG fails. IO:I unavailable T A T -
22 Aug8.20.00.0Non-photometric, seeing good/average. IO:I and Frodo Red unavailable T A T -
21 Aug8.20.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. IO:I unavailable T A T -
20 Aug8.20.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. IO:I unavailable T A T -
19 Aug8.20.00.0Non-Photometric, good-average seeing. IO:I unavailable T A T -
18 Aug8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
17 Aug8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
16 Aug8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
15 Aug8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
14 Aug8.00.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
13 Aug7.50.00.5Photometric, good seeing. Node reboot caused by fault with science fold mirror. T A T -
12 Aug7.90.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
11 Aug7.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
10 Aug7.90.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
9 Aug7.50.30.0Photometric, good-average seeing. Closed for high humidity. T A T -
8 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
7 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
6 Aug7.70.00.0Photometric, average-poor seeing. T A T -
5 Aug7.70.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
4 Aug7.60.00.0Photometric, average seeing T A T -
3 Aug7.60.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
2 Aug7.60.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
1 Aug7.50.00.1Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -

July 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Jul7.60.00.17Photometric with average seeing T A T -
30 Jul7.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
29 Jul7.50.02.75Non-photometric with bad seeing. Technical fault at startup. T A T -
28 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric, good to average seeing. T A T -
27 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. T A T -
26 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric. Good seeing T A T -
25 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric. Good seeing T A T -
24 Jul6.70.00.7Photometric, average seeing. Primary mirror maintenance at start of night. T A T -
23 Jul7.30.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
22 Jul5.90.01.4Photometric, average/poor seeing. IO:O & FRODOSpec on-sky work in first part of night. T A T -
21 Jul7.30.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. T A T -
20 Jul7.30.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. T A T -
19 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
18 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
17 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Very mild calima. T A T -
16 Jul7.20.07.1Offline. T A T -
15 Jul0.00.07.1Offline. T A T -
14 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric, good seeing. IO:O and IO:I were offline. T A T -
13 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Very mild calima. T A T -
12 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
11 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
10 Jul6.01.60.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Closed for high humidity in the beginning of the night. T A T -
9 Jul60.50.5Most of the night was Photometric, cloud coverage during early hours. Good/average seeing. T A T -
8 Jul70.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
7 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
6 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
5 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
4 Jul6.10.00.9Photometric, good-average seeing. Cassegrain axis errors and node reboot in early morning. T A T -
3 Jul7.00.00.0Photometric, good-to-average seeing. T A T -
2 Jul7.00.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
1 Jul6.40.00.5Non-photometric, good-poor seeing. AMN node fault in middle of night. T A T -

June 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Jun6.90.00.0Non-photometric with good/average seeing. T A T -
29 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good/average seeing. T A T -
28 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good/average seeing. T A T -
27 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good/average seeing. T A T -
26 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
25 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good/average seeing. T A T -
24 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with variable seeing. T A T -
23 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
22 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
21 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
20 Jun0.00.06.8Telescope offline, oil leak. - - - -
19 Jun6.80.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
18 Jun6.80.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. T A T -
17 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
16 Jun6.90.00.0Average seeing. T A T -
15 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. T A T -
14 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. T A T -
13 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Poor pointing. T A T -
12 Jun5.70.01.2Non-photometric. Seeing average. Primary mirror collimation fault (ACADS). T A T -
11 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Seeing good. T A T -
10 Jun6.90.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing good. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
9 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Seeing good/average. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
8 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric. Seeing good becoming average. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
7 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing good. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
6 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing average. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
5 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing good/average. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
4 Jun7.00.00.0Initially non-photometric, photometric after 2:00am. Seeing good to average. IO:I unavailable. T A T -
3 Jun1.00.06.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. IO:I unavailable. RCS stuck in wait T A T -
2 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric with average to bad seeing. T A T -
1 Jun7.00.00.0Non-photometric with average to poor seeing. T A T -

May 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 May7.00.00.1Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
30 May7.10.00.0Photometric with good seeing. T A T -
29 May7.10.00.0Photometric, with average seeing T A T -
28 May7.10.00.0Photometric good seeing. T A T -
27 May7.10.00.0Photometric, poor-average seeing. T A T -
26 May7.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
25 May6.00.01.2Photometric, good-average seeing. Power outage left system in suspend at start-up. Fault reset. T A T -
24 May7.30.00.0Photometric, average-poor seeing. T A T -
23 May7.30.00.0Photometric average to poor seeing. T A T -
22 May6.30.01.0Photometric, average seeing. Engineering work at start of night. Some issues with pointing. T A T -
21 May7.30.00.0Non-photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
20 May7.10.00.2Spectroscopic (small clouds), average-poor seeing T A T -
19 May7.30.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
18 May7.40.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
17 May7.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
16 May7.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
15 May0.07.40.0Thick high cloud all night until morning twilight. T A T -
14 May7.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Instrument Comissioning first couple of hours of the night. T A T -
13 May7.20.00.3Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Instrument Comissioning until 3am UTC with a break midnight to 1am UT. Autoguider focus failure. T A T -
12 May7.50.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Instrument Comissioning until 3am UTC. T A T -
11 May7.50.00.0Set photometric, but some light cloud appeared during the night. Good/average seeing. Instrument comissioning first half of night. T A T -
10 May7.60.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
9 May7.60.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. High level clouds during the second half of the night. T A T -
8 May7.60.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
7 May7.70.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
6 May6.20.01.5Photometric, good average seeing. T A T -
5 May7.80.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
4 May7.80.00.0Photometric, good average seeing. T A T -
3 May7.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Only one encoder homed on Altitude axis. T A T -
2 May7.90.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
1 May7.90.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -

April 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Apr7.90.00.0Non-photometric, seeing average to good. T A T -
29 Apr80.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T A T -
28 Apr8.00.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
27 Apr8.00.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
26 Apr8.00.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
25 Apr7.80.00.3Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Intermittent Cassegrain axis fault. T A T -
24 Apr7.40.00.7Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Cassegrain axis fault, autorecovered. T A T -
23 Apr5.52.60.0Non-photometric, high humidity in middle of the night. Good/average seeing. T A T -
22 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
21 Apr8.10.00.0Set photometric, but a few light clouds appeared throughout the night. Good/average seeing. T A T -
20 Apr8.20.00.0Photometric, variable seeing. T A T -
19 Apr8.20.00.0Photometric, variable seeing. T A T -
18 Apr8.20.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
17 Apr8.30.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
16 Apr5.72.70.0Non-photometric, lots of high cloud, average seeing. High humidity. T A T -
15 Apr8.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
14 Apr7.70.80.0Non-photometric with good seeing. Cloud. T A T -
13 Apr8.50.00.0Photometric with good seeing T A T -
12 Apr6.10.02.5Non-photometric with average/good seeing. T A T -
11 Apr8.60.00.0Non-photometric with average/good seeing. T A T -
10 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. T A T -
9 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T A T -
8 Apr8.60.00.0Non-photometric with good seeing T A T -
7 Apr8.70.00.0Photometric. IO:O shutter fault T A T -
6 Apr0.08.70.0Ice - -
5 Apr0.08.80.0Ice - -
4 Apr3.05.80.0Photometric then high humidity T A T -
3 Apr0.08.80.0Humidity. Cloud. Wet. - -
2 Apr0.08.80.0Humidity. Cloud. Wet. - -
1 Apr0.08.80.0Humidity. Cloud. Wet. - -

March 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Mar0.08.90.0Closed. High humidity, cloud. - A T -
30 Mar0.08.90.0Closed. High humidity, ice risk. - A T -
29 Mar. High humidity, snow. - A T -
28 Mar0.09.10.0Closed. High humidity. - A T -
27 Mar0.09.10.0Closed. High humidity, snow. - A T -
26 Mar0.09.10.0Closed. High humidity. - A T -
25 Mar0.09.10.0Closed. High humidity. - A T -
24 Mar0.09.20.0Closed for high humidity. - A T -
23 Mar7.02.20.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Closed for high humidity. T A T -
22 Mar9.20.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
21 Mar8.90.00.3Non-photometric, average seeing. Alt node reboot. T A T -
20 Mar9.00.00.3Non-photometric, average seeing. Alt node reboot. T A T -
19 Mar9.00.00.3Photometric, average seeing. Alt node reboot. T A T -
18 Mar9.00.00.3Non-photometric, average seeing. Alt node reboot. T A T -
17 Mar3.06.40.0Non-photometric. Good seeing until high-level clouds arrived. T A T -
16 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. T A T -
15 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. T A T -
14 Mar9.40.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. T A T -
13 Mar9.40.00.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. Some IO:O images used bad flat image. T A T -
12 Mar9.50.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
11 Mar9.50.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
10 Mar0.00.09.5Technical UPS fault, telescope offline. - -
9 Mar0.00.09.6Technical UPS fault. - -
8 Mar0.00.09.6Technical UPS fault, telescope offline. - -
7 Mar0.09.60.0High humidity all night, no observing. - -
6 Mar9.70.00.0Average to bad seeing in non photometric conditions. T A T -
5 Mar2.77.10.0Non photometric with good to average seeing. High humidity and low temperatures resulting in an hour of ice this morning. T A T -
4 Mar9.70.00.0Non-photometric with average seeing. T A T -
3 Mar9.80.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. 3 Cassegrain axis stops. T A T -
2 Mar9.80.00.0Photometric, good seeing. T A T -
1 Mar7.32.50.0Non-photometric, average seeing. High cloud 2nd half of night. T A T -

February 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
28 Feb6.80.03.0Non-photometric, good-average seeing. 2 Cassegrain Node reboots, leading to repeat of hour long groups. T A T -
27 Feb9.80.00.0Non-photometric,good-average seeing. T A T -
26 Feb9.90.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T A T -
25 Feb9.90.00.0Non-photometric, good-average seeing. High cloud 2nd half of night. T A T -
24 Feb9.90.00.0Photometric, good-average seeing. T A T -
23 Feb10.00.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
22 Feb10.00.00.0Non-photometric, average-poor seeing. T A T -
21 Feb4.85.20.0Non-photometric, poor seeing. Very windy at times. T A T -
20 Feb6.23.80.0Non-photometric, good-to-average seeing. Cloud during first half of the night. T A T -
19 Feb4.15.90.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Cloud in middle of night. T A T -
18 Feb0.010.10.0Ice risk on enclosure mechanisms. - -
17 Feb0.010.10.0Ice - -
16 Feb0.010.10.0Ice - -
15 Feb0.010.10.0Ice - -
14 Feb0.010.10.0Humidity. High winds. - -
13 Feb8.71.50.0Photometric. Very poor seeing. High winds. Poor data quality. T A T -
12 Feb10.20.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. T A T -
11 Feb9.40.80.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Cloud before midnight. T A T -
10 Feb10.20.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing average to poor. Intermittent thin cloud T A T -
9 Feb10.30.00.0Non-photometric. Seeing good to average. - A - -
8 Feb9.30.01.0Photometric, degrading later. Seeing good to average. Cassegrain startup delayed. - A - -
7 Feb10.30.00.0Photometric. Seeing average to good. T A T -
6 Feb9.60.00.7Non-photometric. Seeing average to good. Engineering tests at 21:30 for 0.7 hours T A T -
5 Feb10.40.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. - A - -
4 Feb10.40.00.0Non-photometric. Average/poor seeing. - A - -
3 Feb10.40.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. - A - -
2 Feb10.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. - A - -
1 Feb3.07.40.0Photometric, average seeing. High humidity. - A - -

January 2019

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Jan10.50.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
30 Jan10.50.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
29 Jan10.50.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
28 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric, average seeing. T A T -
27 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
26 Jan10.00.30.3Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
25 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T A T -
24 Jan10.30.00.3Photometric, average/poor seeing. T A T -
23 Jan10.60.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T A T -
22 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric, poor seeing. T A T -
21 Jan0.010.60.0High humidity, ice. T A T -
20 Jan6.04.70.0High humidity. Average seeing, photometric. T A T -
19 Jan9.70.01.0PLC Master Error, Altitude Errors. Good seeing, photometric. T A T -
18 Jan0.010.70.0Ice on enclosure. T A T -
17 Jan0.010.70.0High humidity and sub-zero temperatures. T A T -
16 Jan0.010.70.0High humidity and sub-zero temperatures. T A T -
15 Jan10.70.00.0Non-photometric with average/good seeing. Z A T Z
14 Jan9.61.10.0Non-photometric with average seeing. High humidity at beginning of night. Z A T Z
13 Jan10.70.00.0Non-photometric conditions. Average seeing. Z A T Z
12 Jan10.70.00.0Non-photometric conditions. Average seeing. Z A T Z
11 Jan10.60.00.1Photometric conditions. Average seeing. Z A T Z
10 Jan10.30.00.5Photometric observing conditions with average seeing. Z A T Z
9 Jan10.70.00.1Photometric observing conditions. Average seeing. Z A T Z
8 Jan9.70.01.1Non-photometric with average seeing. Z A T Z
7 Jan9.41.40.0Non-photmetric, average to poor seeing. High cloud at start of night. Z A T Z
6 Jan2.48.00.4Non-photometric, average seeing. Fault with cassegrain axis and closure due to cloud. Z A T Z
5 Jan10.40.00.4Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Fault with cassegrain axis. Z A T Z
4 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
3 Jan10.80.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
2 Jan10.40.00.4Non-photometric, average seeing. Fault with cassegrain axis. Z A T Z
1 Jan10.50.00.4Non-photometric, good-average seeing. Fault with cassegrain axis. Z A T Z