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Night Reports 2016

In the tables below, Observing, Weather and Technical refer to time spent observing, time lost to bad weather, and time lost because of technical problems. Note that Observing includes time spent on calibration observations and, occasionally, scheduled on-sky test observations; Technical does not include scheduled downtime (e.g. for planned engineering work).

The Night Duty Officer estimates whether the night was photometric or non-photometric (spectroscopic) based on satellite imagery and SkyCam data obtained through the night. This is a qualitative assessment only and may not always be entirely accurate. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT, ON OCCASION, OBSERVATIONS REQUIRING PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS ARE ACQUIRED IN NON-PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS. Users should check the quality of their data carefully. Good, average and poor seeing refers to inferred zenith seeing of < 1.0 arcsec, 1.0-2.0 arcsec, and > 2.0 arcsec, respectively. Calima refers to fine dust that occasionally blows over from the Sahara.


Below we also provide links to Movies constructed from a sequence of optical images obtained with either SkyCam-A (covering the whole sky), SkyCam-T (now showing a 9 degree field centred on each target; was 21 deg pre-21 Oct) or SkyCam-Z (1 degree field). Images are obtained every minute or so throughout the entire night. These movies can usually be used to establish, qualitatively at least, how clear or cloudy a given night was. On bright nights (i.e. when the moon is up), the smaller-field camera's T and Z are often more useful than the full-sky camera A. Additional movies and still images are available from the Skycam Archive. Plots of SkyCamZ Zero Point data are also provided. Zero points here are defined with respect to APASS 10 < r < 13 with no colour term. These indicate to first order periods of thin or thick cloud. A clear night usually results in a flat distribution of ZP values, while thick cloud causes a dip in the ZP level. 'A', 'T' and 'Z' in the SkyCam columns refer to the camera from which the data were acquired.

December 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Dec9.90.01.0Photometric. Poor seeing. Planned 1 hour off sky for leap second. Z A T Z
30 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
29 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. New Moon. Z A T Z
28 Dec0.010.90.0Thick cloud. - - - -
27 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric; average seeing. Z A T Z
26 Dec7.33.60.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Calima later in night. Z A T Z
25 Dec0.010.90.0Thick cloud. - - - -
24 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity. Snow. - - - -
23 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity. Snow and ice risk. - - - -
22 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity. - - - -
21 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity. - - - -
20 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity - - - -
19 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity - - - -
18 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity - - - -
17 Dec0.010.90.0High humidity/freezing temperature. - - - -
16 Dec2.38.60.0Photometric, poor seeing. High humidity and strong winds. Z A T Z
15 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric, poor/average seeing. Z A T Z
14 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Full Mon Z A T Z
13 Dec10.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
12 Dec10.90.00.0Non photometric. Poor seeing first half of night, then average. Z A T Z
11 Dec6.14.80.0Non photometric, average seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
10 Dec6.54.40.0Non photometric. Average seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
9 Dec6.24.70.0Heavy cloud until midnight, then mostly clear. Average seeing. Z A T Z
8 Dec1.09.90.0Cloud all night Z A T Z
7 Dec10.90.00.0Non-photometric. Lots of cloud. Poor seeing. Z A T Z
6 Dec10.80.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
5 Dec10.80.00.0Photometric. Average seeing.  Z A T Z
4 Dec8.12.70.0High humidity for a couple of periods. Photometric observing and good / average seeing. Z A T Z
3 Dec1.39.50.0High humidity. Two short periods of non-photometric observing. Z A T Z
2 Dec0.010.80.0High humidity. - - - -
1 Dec0.010.80.0High humidity. - - - -

November 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Nov10.80.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
29 Nov0.010.70.0High humidity. New Moon. - - - -
28 Nov10.70.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
27 Nov0.00.010.7Offline; axis hydraulic system fault. - - - -
26 Nov0.00.010.7Offline; axis hydraulic system fault. - - - -
25 Nov0.00.010.7Offline; axis hydraulic system fault. - - - -
24 Nov10.70.00.0No observing due to risk of ice on enclosure mechanism. - - - -
23 Nov0.010.70.0No observing due to ice on enclosure machanism. - - - -
22 Nov0.010.70.0High humidity and ice. - - - -
21 Nov5.05.70.0Non-photometric, high humidity scattered through night, more prevalent in morning. Z A T Z
20 Nov10.60.00.0Non-photometric. Z A T Z
19 Nov10.60.00.0Non-photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
18 Nov10.60.00.0Non-photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
17 Nov10.00.60.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. Lots of patchy cloud. Z A T Z
16 Nov10.60.00.0Non-photometric. Average/good seeing. Very little cirrus late in night. Z A T Z
15 Nov9.70.90.0Non-photometric, terrible seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
14 Nov0.010.60.0Humidity. Full Moon. Z A T Z
13 Nov1.78.90.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
12 Nov6.24.30.0Non-photometric, poor seeing, High humidity. Z A T Z
11 Nov5.33.61.6Non-photometric, varying seeing. High humidity. Cassegrain fault. Z A T Z
10 Nov10.50.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
9 Nov10.50.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
8 Nov10.50.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
7 Nov5.94.50.0High humidity at start of night. Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
6 Nov3.07.40.0 Non-photometric with average seeing, interrupted by high humidity for most of night. Z A T Z
5 Nov0.010.40.0High humidity. Z A T Z
4 Nov0.010.40.0High humidity. Z A T Z
3 Nov0.010.40.0High humidity. Z A T Z
2 Nov4.85.50.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
1 Nov9.31.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z

October 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Oct10.20.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
30 Oct10.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. New Moon. Z A T Z
29 Oct7.82.50.0Photometric with spikes of high wind speed and localized humidity. Z A T Z
28 Oct10.00.00.2Spectroscopic at start of night. Switched to photometric. Average seeing. Autoguider problem (quickly resolved). Z A T Z
27 Oct0.010.20.0High humidity. - -
26 Oct0.010.20.0High humidity. - -
25 Oct0.010.10.0High humidity. - -
24 Oct0.010.10.0High humidity. - -
23 Oct0.010.10.0High humidity. - -
22 Oct6.52.51.0Photometric. High humidity. Averge seeing. DeviceNet master error. Z A T Z
21 Oct8.91.20.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
20 Oct7.22.80.0Photometric with intermittent high humidity. Good seeing. Z A T Z
19 Oct7.52.50.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
18 Oct8.02.00.0Photometric with intermittent high humidity. Good seeing. Z A T Z
17 Oct9.90.00.0Mostly p'metric. A little cirrus at very start. Average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Oct0.09.90.0 Full Moon.High humidity all night. - - - -
15 Oct7.72.20.0Non-photometric. Good seeing at start of night, poor seeing by the time we closed for high humidity at the end of night. Z A T Z
14 Oct9.90.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
13 Oct7.72.10.0Photometric, average seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
12 Oct3.46.40.0Non-photometric,good/average seeing. High humidity. Z A T Z
11 Oct9.80.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
10 Oct0.00.09.7Telescope offline with a chiller fault. Z A T Z
9 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
8 Oct9.70.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
7 Oct9.70.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
6 Oct9.70.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
5 Oct9.70.00.0Non-photometric. Average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
4 Oct8.80.80.0Non-photometric, average seeing. High humidity in middle of night. Z A T Z
3 Oct5.14.50.0Photometric, average seeing. High humidity at times. Z A T Z
2 Oct9.60.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
1 Oct9.50.00.0Set photometric, but some light cloud arrived later in the night. Good/average seeing. IO:I ASIC failure. New Moon. Z A T Z

September 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Sep9.50.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
29 Sep9.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
28 Sep9.40.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
27 Sep9.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
26 Sep9.40.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
25 Sep9.30.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
24 Sep9.30.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
23 Sep9.30.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
22 Sep9.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
21 Sep8.70.00.5Photometric, average seeing. RISE offline for planned maintenance. Node reboot. Z A T Z
20 Sep9.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
19 Sep9.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
18 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
17 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Sep9.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Full Moon. Z A T Z
15 Sep9.00.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
14 Sep9.00.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
13 Sep8.60.00.4Photometric with good seeing. AMN node reboot. Z A T Z
12 Sep8.90.00.0Photometric; average seeing. Z A T Z
11 Sep8.90.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
10 Sep8.90.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. IO:I failed. Z A T Z
9 Sep8.80.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
8 Sep8.80.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
7 Sep8.00.00.8Photometric. Good/average seeing. Cloud sensor failure. Z A T Z
6 Sep8.70.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
5 Sep8.70.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
4 Sep8.70.00.0Photometric. Good / average seeing. Z A T Z
3 Sep8.60.00.0Photometric. Good / average seeing. Z A T Z
2 Sep8.60.00.0Photometric. Average / good seeing. Z A T Z
1 Sep8.60.00.0Photometric. Average / poor seeing.New Moon. Z A T Z

August 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Aug8.50.00.0Photometric. Average / good seeing. Z A T Z
30 Aug8.50.00.0Photometric. Average / poor seeing. Z A T Z
29 Aug8.250.00.25Photometric. Average / good seeing. ACADS problem at start of night. Z A T Z
28 Aug5.92.00.5Non-photometric with average/good seeing. Minor technical issue in middle of night required telescope reboot, and time lost at end of night due to cloud. Z A T Z
27 Aug0.08.40.0Cloud. Z A T Z
26 Aug8.40.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. Z A T Z
25 Aug6.30.02.0Photometric with average seeing. Time lost at beginning of night due to hydraulics issue. Z A T Z
24 Aug8.30.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. Z A T Z
23 Aug8.30.00.0Photometric with good seeing. Z A T Z
22 Aug8.20.00.0Photometric with good seeing. Z A T Z
21 Aug8.20.00.0Non-photometric; good-to-average seeing. Z A T Z
20 Aug7.80.00.4Photometric; average-to-poor seeing. AMN node reboot. Z A T Z
19 Aug8.20.00.0Photometric; good-to-poor seeing. Z A T Z
18 Aug8.10.00.0Full Moon. Photometric, average-to-good seeing. Z A T Z
17 Aug8.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Aug8.10.00.0Photometric. Average/Good seeing. IO:O and IO:I back online. Engineering work on Skycams first half of night. Z A T Z
15 Aug0.00.08.1No observing tonight; servicing IO:I. - - - -
14 Aug80.00.0Photometric, poor seeing. IO:O and IO:I offline. Z A T Z
13 Aug80.00.0Photometric, poor seeing. IO:O and IO:I offline. Z A T Z
12 Aug7.90.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. IO:O and IO:I offline. Z A T Z
11 Aug0.00.07.9No observing due to Robotic Control System fault. - - - -
10 Aug0.00.07.9No observing due to primary mirror support system fault. - - - -
9 Aug0.00.07.8Mirror support system fault at start of night; no observing. - - - -
8 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric; poor seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
7 Aug7.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
6 Aug7.70.00.0Non-photometric at start of night, improving after midnight. Good to average seeing. IO:I offline. IO:O offline for some of the night. Z A T Z
5 Aug7.70.00.0Non-photometric, good to average seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
4 Aug7.60.00.0Non photometric, average seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
3 Aug7.60.00.0Set photometric, average seeing. IO:I offline. Intermittent IO:O config failures. Z A T Z
2 Aug7.60.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. IO:I offline. New Moon. Z A T Z
1 Aug6.10.01.5Photometric. Average seeing. IO:I offline. RCS fault. Z A T Z

July 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Jul7.60.00.0Photometric. Poor / average seeing. Instrument UPS failure: IO:O, SPRAT, LOTUS, IO:I, SkycamT and SkycamZ offline. - A- -
30 Jul7.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Instrument UPS failure: IO:O, SPRAT, LOTUS, IO:I, SkycamT and SkycamZ offline. - A- -
29 Jul7.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Instrument UPS failure: IO:O, SPRAT, LOTUS, IO:I, SkycamT and SkycamZ offline. - A- -
28 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric. Average to good seeing. Z A T Z
27 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric. Variable seeing, mainly average. Z A T Z
26 Jul7.40.00.0Non-photometric, some cloud and a dust layer above the mountain. Average / poor seeing. Z A T Z
25 Jul7.40.00.0Non-photometric - thick cloud at beginning of night. Average/poor seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
24 Jul7.40.00.0Photometric, average/good seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
23 Jul7.30.00.0Photometric, average/good seeing. Z A T Z
22 Jul7.30.00.0Photometric, average/good seeing. Z A T Z
21 Jul7.30.00.0Spectroscopic with average/good seeing. Z A T Z
20 Jul5.80.01.5Spectroscopic with average/good seeing. First part of night lost due to technical fault. Z A T Z
19 Jul6.70.50.0Photometric with average seeing. Cloud at end of night. Full Moon. Z A T Z
18 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric. Seeing very good at start, degrading to average. Z A T Z
17 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric. Good/Average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Jul7.20.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Z A T Z
15 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Z A T Z
14 Jul6.60.00.5Photometric. Average seeing. Some dust. Time lost for IO:O maintainence. Z A T Z
13 Jul6.60.00.5Photometric. Average seeing. Some dust. Time lost for IO:O maintainence. Z A T Z
12 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
11 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
10 Jul7.10.00.0Photometric. Seeing mostly good but a few very poor earlier in night. Z A T Z
9 Jul70.00.0Photometric. Good seeing Z A T Z
8 Jul70.00.0Photometric. Good seeing Z A T Z
7 Jul70.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
6 Jul70.00.0Photometric; good seeing. Z A T Z
5 Jul70.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
4 Jul70.00.0Photometric. Good / average seeing.New Moon. Z A T Z
3 Jul70.00.0Photometric. Good / average seeing. Z A T Z
2 Jul70.00.0Photometric. Average / good seeing. Z A T Z
1 Jul6.90.00.0Photometric. Average / good seeing. Z A T Z

June 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average / good seeing. SPRAT offline. Z A T Z
29 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, poor seeing. Z A T Z
28 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
27 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
26 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
25 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
24 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
23 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. Z A T Z
22 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric with good seeing. Z A T Z
21 Jun6.90.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
20 Jun0.00.06.8Telescope offline with hydraulic fault. Full Moon. Z A T Z
19 Jun6.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
18 Jun6.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
17 Jun4.42.50.0Non-Photometric, poor/average seeing. High humidity at the start and during the middle of the night. Z A T Z
16 Jun1.15.80.0Photometric, poor/average seeing. High humidity from 11pm onwards. Z A T Z
15 Jun3.53.40.0Photometric, average seeing. Two bouts of high humidity during the night. Z A T Z
14 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
13 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
12 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. FRODOSpec offline. Z A T Z
11 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. FRODOSpec offline. Z A T Z
10 Jun1.90.05.0High humidity and cloud most of the night; non-photometric, average seeing. FRODOSpec offline. Z A T Z
9 Jun6.90.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
8 Jun6.90.00.0Hydraulics fixed, photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
7 Jun0.00.07.0Telescope OFFLINE; hydraulics failure. - - - -
6 Jun00.07.0Telescope OFFLINE. Hydraulics failure. - - - -
5 Jun00.07.0Telescope OFFLINE. Hydraulics failure. New Moon. - - - -
4 Jun03.53.5Telescope OFFLINE. Hydraulics failure. - - - -
3 Jun40.03.0Photometric, good seeing. Hydraulics failure at 0200UT. Z A T Z
2 Jun70.00.0Photometric, average/good seeing Z A T Z
1 Jun70.00.0Non-photometric, average/good seeing. Z A T Z

May 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 May7.10.00.0Set photometric but some light cloud late in night. Average seeing. Z A T Z
30 May7.10.00.0Set photometric but some light cloud appearing after midnight. Average seeing. Z A T Z
29 May7.10.00.0Non-photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
28 May7.10.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
27 May5.31.80.0Photometric. Average seeing. Closed twice during the night due to high humidity. Z A T Z
26 May3.73.50.0Photometric. Average seeing. High humidity in the middle of the night. Z A T Z
25 May7.20.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
24 May7.30.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Z A T Z
23 May7.30.00.0Photometric. Good / average seeing. Z A T Z
22 May7.30.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Some Calima. Z A T Z
21 May7.30.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Full Moon. Z A T Z
20 May7.30.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
19 May7.30.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
18 May7.40.00.0Photometric, average seeing. DeviceNet error at start-up, didn't affect operations. Z A T Z
17 May7.40.00.0Photometric. Average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
16 May7.40.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
15 May7.40.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
14 May7.50.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
13 May7.50.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
12 May7.00.50.0Non-photometric, good-to-average seeing. High humidity in evening. Z A T Z
11 May2.15.40.0Photometric and good seeing for first part of night; cloud and high humidity for the rest of the night. Z A T Z
10 May0.07.60.0High humidity and freezing temperatures; no observing. - - - -
9 May0.07.60.0High humidity and wind - - - -
8 May2.55.10.0Thin cirrus. Poor seeing. Z A T Z
7 May3.83.90.0Non-photometric. Poor seeing. Z A T Z
6 May7.70.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. New Moon. Z A T Z
5 May7.80.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Z A T Z
4 May7.40.00.4Photometric. Mostly good seeing. Z A T Z
3 May7.90.00.0Photometric. Good seeing. Z A T Z
2 May7.40.50.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
1 May7.90.00.0Photometric, average to good seeing. Z A T Z

April 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
30 Apr7.90.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
29 Apr80.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
28 Apr80.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
27 Apr5.82.20.0Non-photometric. Lost most of night to thick cloud. Z A T Z
26 Apr7.40.60.0Photometric with avg/good seeing. Short patch of cloud in the middle of the night. Technical issue with IO:I. Z A T Z
25 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
24 Apr8.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
23 Apr8.10.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
22 Apr8.10.00.0 Full Moon.Non-photometric, seeing good at start of night and poor by the end of the night. SPRAT failure. Z A T Z
21 Apr0.18.00.0High humidity. Z A T Z
20 Apr1.27.00.0Thick clouds most of night. Z A T Z
19 Apr0.03.25.0High humidty, then science fold mirror PLC fault. Z A T Z
18 Apr0.08.30.0High humidity Z A T Z
17 Apr0.08.30.0Storm system, high humidity and wind speeds. - -
16 Apr0.38.10.0High humidity for much of the night. Z A T Z
15 Apr0.08.40.0High humidity. - -
14 Apr0.08.50.0High humidity. - -
13 Apr8.50.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
12 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
11 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
10 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
9 Apr8.60.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Z A T Z
8 Apr8.60.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
7 Apr0.08.70.0New Moon. No observing due to high humidity and cloud blowing through site. - - - -
6 Apr2.56.20.0Photometric & average seeing, but high humidity and cloud arrived just before midnight and stayed for the rest of the night. Z A T Z
5 Apr5.13.70.0Photometric, but several cases of high humidity and high winds. Average-to-poor seeing. Z A T Z
4 Apr0.08.80.0High humidity and cloud blowing through site all night. - - - -
3 Apr8.80.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
2 Apr0.38.50.0Set as photometric, but then closed by localised cloud blowing through site. Z A T Z
1 Apr3.85.00.0Photometric, but closed for two periods by high humidity. Good seeing. Z A T Z

March 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Mar8.90.00.0Set as spectroscopic. Poor seeing. Z A T Z
30 Mar0.08.90.0Closed due to high humidity. - - - -
29 Mar90.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Cloud and poor seeing just before twilight. Z A T Z
28 Mar90.00.0Photometric, average to good seeing. Z A T Z
27 Mar9.10.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
26 Mar9.10.00.0Photometric. Poor seeing. Slight defocus problem with telescope. Z A T Z
25 Mar4.15.00.0Cloud in first half of night, then non-photometric with average seeing Z A T Z
24 Mar0.09.20.0Closed due to ice build-up - - - -
23 Mar0.09.20.0High humidity and sub-zero temperatures. Full Moon - - - -
22 Mar0.09.20.0High humidity - - - -
21 Mar0.09.20.0High humidity, ice. - - - -
20 Mar0.09.30.0High humidity, cloud and icy conditions; no observing. - - - -
19 Mar3.65.70.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing; high humidity at times. Z A T Z
18 Mar8.60.70.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing; high humidity at times. Z A T Z
17 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric, good-to-average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Mar8.31.10.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Some cloud around midnight. Z A T Z
15 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
14 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
13 Mar9.40.00.0Photometric until 05:00UTC. Good seeing. Z A T Z
12 Mar6.13.40.0Cloud. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
11 Mar9.20.30.0Cloud. Average seeing. Z A T Z
10 Mar9.50.00.0Photometric. Good/average seeing. Z A T Z
9 Mar9.60.00.0Photometric. Average/poor seeing. New Moon. Z A T Z
8 Mar9.60.00.0Photometric. Poor seeing. Z A T Z
7 Mar9.60.00.0Photometric, average / poor seeing. Z A T Z
6 Mar4.45.30.0Photometric with average seeing. Localized pulses of freezing fog blowing through site, closed 5 times. Z A T Z
5 Mar9.70.00.0Average seeing, spectroscopic. Z A T Z
4 Mar9.00.70.0Spectroscopic. Average seeing. Closed by thick cloud for a time. Z A T Z
3 Mar8.81.00.0Spectroscopic, poor seeing at first, average seeing later. Closed by thick cloud for an hour just after start-up. Dust dropped from 50ugr/m3 to 13ugr/m3 throughout the course of the night. Z A T Z
2 Mar0.09.80.0High levels of Calima, no observing. - -
1 Mar0.09.80.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -

February 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
29 Feb0.09.80.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
28 Feb0.09.80.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
27 Feb0.09.80.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
26 Feb0.09.90.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
25 Feb0.09.90.0Ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
24 Feb0.09.90.0Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
23 Feb0.010.00.0Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - -
22 Feb0.010.00.0High humidity & freezing conditions. Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. Full Moon. - -
21 Feb0.010.00.0High humidity & freezing conditions. Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - - - -
20 Feb0.010.00.0High humidity & freezing conditions. Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - - - -
19 Feb0.010.00.0High humidity & freezing conditions. Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - - - -
18 Feb0.010.10.0High humidity & freezing conditions. Snow and ice on enclosure; no observing. - - - -
17 Feb7.82.30.0Photometric, good-to-average seeing. Cloud and high humidity later in the night. Z A T Z
16 Feb10.10.00.0Photometric; poor-to-average seeing. Z A T Z
15 Feb0.010.10.0High wind, humidity. Z A T Z
14 Feb10.10.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
13 Feb10.20.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
12 Feb10.20.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
11 Feb10.20.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
10 Feb10.20.00.0Photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
9 Feb10.30.00.0Non-photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
8 Feb6.34.00.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Cloud. New Moon. Z A T Z
7 Feb4.65.70.0Non-photometric. Mostly good seeing. Z A T Z
6 Feb7.92.40.0Non-photometric. Average seeing. Cloud. Z A T Z
5 Feb1.58.90.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. Cloud. Z A T Z
4 Feb8.32.10.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. Cloud. Z A T Z
3 Feb9.60.80.0Non-photometric. Good seeing. Cloud. Z A T Z
2 Feb1.58.90.0Thick cloud almost all night. Z A T Z
1 Feb0.010.40.0Thick cloud all night. - -

January 2016

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Jan10.50.00.0Photometric. Poor seeing. IO:I offline. Z A T Z
30 Jan10.50.00.0Photometric with poor seeing. Z A T Z
29 Jan0.010.50.0High humidity, thick cloud and gusting winds.. - -
28 Jan8.62.00.0Spectroscopic. Average seeing. Closed by thick cloud for 2 hours. Z A T Z
27 Jan5.05.60.0Spectroscopic, average to good seeing. Closed by thick cloud at 1am. Z A T Z
26 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric. Average seeing. Z A T Z
25 Jan10.60.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
24 Jan9.80.80.0Set photometric, but some cloud between 02:00 & 04:00 UTC. Average seeing. Full Moon. Z A T Z
23 Jan8.91.70.0Non-photometric, average to poor seeing. Thick cloud. Z A T Z
22 Jan4.36.30.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Thick cloud. Z A T Z
21 Jan7.63.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Closed due to thick cloud twice during the night. Z A T Z
20 Jan10.70.00.0Set Photometric, but some light cloud appeared later in the night. Poor/average seeing. Z A T Z
19 Jan10.30.00.4Set photometric, but some thin cloud at the start of the night. Average seeing. AMN node reboot. Z A T Z
18 Jan10.70.00.0Photometric, average/poor seeing. Z A T Z
17 Jan7.53.20.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
16 Jan3.47.30.0Non-photometric, average seeing. Z A T Z
15 Jan0.010.70.0Cloud all night, no observing. - - - -
14 Jan0.010.70.0Cloud all night; no observing. - - - -
13 Jan1.69.10.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Cloudy for most of the night. Z A T Z
12 Jan9.61.10.0Non-photometric; good-to-average seeing. Closed for ~1h in evening due to cloud. Z A T Z
11 Jan8.72.00.0Non-photometric, average/good seeing. Some time lost to cloud. Z A T Z
10 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric, average seeing. New Moon. Z A T Z
9 Jan10.80.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. Z A T Z
8 Jan0.010.80.0High humidity. - - - -
7 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing Z A T Z
6 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing Z A T Z
5 Jan9.31.50.0Non-photometric. Poor improving to average seeing. Time lost at beginning of night to high humidity. Z A T Z
4 Jan10.80.00.0Non-photometric. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
3 Jan10.00.80.0Non-photometric. IO:O offline. Brief closure due to cloud. Z A T Z
2 Jan10.80.00.0Non-photometric. IO:O offline. Z A T Z
1 Jan10.90.00.0Photometric. IO:O offline. Z A T Z