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Night Reports 2025

In the tables below, Observing, Weather and Technical refer to time spent observing, time lost to bad weather, and time lost because of technical problems. Note that Observing includes time spent on calibration observations and, occasionally, scheduled on-sky test observations; Technical does not include scheduled downtime (e.g. for planned engineering work).

The Night Duty Officer estimates whether the night was photometric or non-photometric (spectroscopic) based on satellite imagery and SkyCam data obtained through the night. This is a qualitative assessment only and may not always be entirely accurate. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT, ON OCCASION, OBSERVATIONS REQUIRING PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS ARE ACQUIRED IN NON-PHOTOMETRIC CONDITIONS. Users should check the quality of their data carefully. Good, average and poor seeing refers to inferred zenith seeing of < 1.0 arcsec, 1.0-2.0 arcsec, and > 2.0 arcsec, respectively. Calima refers to a warm wind that occasionally blows over from the Sahara and brings a lot of fine dust forcing a shutdown to protect the optics.


Below we also provide links to Movies constructed from a sequence of optical images obtained with either SkyCam-A (covering the whole sky), SkyCam-T (now showing a 9 degree field centred on each target; was 21 deg pre-21 Oct) or SkyCam-Z (1 degree field). Images are obtained every minute or so throughout the entire night. These movies can usually be used to establish, qualitatively at least, how clear or cloudy a given night was. On bright nights (i.e. when the moon is up), the smaller-field camera's T and Z are often more useful than the full-sky camera A. Additional movies and still images are available from the Skycam Archive. Plots of SkyCamZ Zero Point data are also provided. Zero points here are defined with respect to APASS 10 < r < 13 with no colour term. These indicate to first order periods of thin or thick cloud. A clear night usually results in a flat distribution of ZP values, while thick cloud causes a dip in the ZP level. 'A', 'T' and 'Z' in the SkyCam columns refer to the camera from which the data were acquired.

February 2025

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
10 Feb10.20.00.0Non-photometric, good seeing. T Z A T Z
9 Feb0.010.30.0High humidity T Z A T Z
8 Feb10.30.00.0Non-photometric with average seeing. T Z A T Z
7 Feb0.00.010.3Devicenet error T Z A T Z
6 Feb10.10.00.2Photometric with average/good seeing. Cas node reboot. LIRIC offline. T Z A T Z
5 Feb10.40.00.0Photometric with average seeing. LIRIC offline. T Z A T Z
4 Feb10.40.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T Z A T Z
3 Feb10.40.00.0Photometric with average/good seeing. T Z A T Z
2 Feb10.40.00.0Non-photometric with good/average seeing. T Z A T Z
1 Feb0.010.40.0Only observed during twilight due to high humidity. T Z A T Z

January 2025

DateHours UsedCommentSkyCam
ObservingWeatherTechnicalZP PlotMovie
31 Jan10.50.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T Z A T Z
30 Jan10.50.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T Z A T Z
29 Jan10.10.00.4Photometric, good/average seeing. Altitude and Cassegrain failures. T Z A T Z
28 Jan10.60.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T Z A T Z
27 Jan10.60.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T Z A T Z
26 Jan10.30.00.3Photometric. Good seeing. Cass torque error. T Z A T Z
25 Jan10.30.00.3Non-photometric, good seeing. Cass torque error. T Z A T Z
24 Jan6.50.04.1Non-photometric, average seeing. Devicenet fault T Z A T Z
23 Jan0.010.60.0High humidity - - - - -
22 Jan0.010.60.0High humidity - - - - -
21 Jan0.010.60.0Wet - - - - -
20 Jan0.010.70.0Wet - - - - -
19 Jan10.70.00.0Non-photometric, average seeing. T Z A T Z
18 Jan10.30.00.4Non-photometric, good/average seeing. Torque error on cassegrain axis. T Z A T Z
17 Jan10.70.00.0Non-photometric, good/average seeing. T Z A T Z
16 Jan10.70.00.0Photometric, good/average seeing. T Z A T Z
15 Jan10.70.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T Z A T Z
14 Jan10.30.00.4Photometric, average seeing. Torque error on cassegrain axis. T Z A T Z
13 Jan9.00.01.7Non-photometric, poor seeing. Primary mirror support fault at start of night. T Z A T Z
12 Jan10.40.00.3Photometric with average seeing. Devicenet error on startup. T Z A T Z
11 Jan10.00.00.7Photometric with average seeing. Cas node reboots. T Z A T Z
10 Jan10.60.00.2Photometric with average to poor seeing. Cas torque error. T Z A T Z
9 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T Z A T Z
8 Jan10.80.00.0Photometric with average seeing. T Z A T Z
7 Jan10.60.00.2Non-photometric with average seeing. Cas torque error. T Z A T Z
6 Jan10.60.00.2Non-photometric with average seeing. Cas torque error. T Z A T Z
5 Jan7.92.90.0Photometric with average seeing. Hugh humidity at start and end of night. T Z A T Z
4 Jan0.010.80.0High humidity T Z A T Z
3 Jan0.010.80.0High humidity. T Z A T Z
2 Jan0.99.00.9High humidity. Mirror support instability T Z A T Z
1 Jan0.010.90.0Cloud - A T Z