The call for proposals for telescopes supported by the OPTICON-Radionet Pilot (ORP) project has been released for their semester 2022A. The Liverpool Telescope is included in this project, and instructions for applying for LT time are given in the main ORP call below:
Dear Colleagues
We are pleased to announce that the 2022A call for observing time at optical/IR telescopes supported by the OPTICON-Radionet Pilot project is now open.
See https://www.orp-h2020.eu/optical-telescope-transnational-access for general information and https://orp-h2020.eu/optical-call-2022a for the details of this call.
This call includes access to the 11m SALT and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
The call will close on 31 August 2021 at 23.59UT. Please review the web-page notes carefully. Note that since 2021B there is a new latex template which confirms 11pt as the smallest font size and asks proposers to confirm that they have checked for data in public archives. Please use the box called related publications on the final tab of the web form to illustrate the productivity of your group as appropriate.
Please also note that acknowledging support from the ORP contract is mandatory when you publish your data. In due time a suitable form of words for this will be placed on the ORP website but you can also find them at the end of this message.
Good Luck
John Davies
"The ORP project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No101004719"